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5 Things only entrepreneurs can truly understand

Any job can give you the opportunity to learn hard lessons and find new ideas about the world, but only through entrepreneurship can you deeply understand these truths.
young and aspiring entrepreneur c

20 Success tips that are a must for every young and aspiring entrepreneur

Here’s some inspiring advice for when your motivation takes a hit.

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7 Secrets that all successful entrepreneurs are hiding

How do successful entrepreneurs get successful?

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10 Exciting ways to stay motivated as a solopreneur

Be prepared for setbacks.

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6 tips for excelling as an entrepreneur

If the achievements derived from setting a venture seems worth it, an entrepreneur is labelled as successful. Here are some tips an entrepreneur should follow to gain success.

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Focus on the “why” while selling your product

Entrepreneurs in the whole process forget a fundamental aspect- they exist for the customers and not the other way round.

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5 things to make sure of before you establish a startup

Here are few things entrepreneurs need to take care of before setting up their startup.

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Entrepreneur or Intrapreneur?

When you should be an intrapreneur instead of an entrepreneur?

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4 mindsets every entrepreneur should adopt

Mindset of the entrepreneur is an important attribute for success.

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8 qualities every entrepreneur requires to be successful

To become a successful entrepreneur, one needs to have certain qualities which are a combination of innate and acquired ones without which s/he cannot run a company successfully.

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5 Ways to always remain positive and push forward

Left to the mercy of customers and competitive markets, it is very easy for an entrepreneur to feel demotivated.
entrepreneurs manage risk

5 simple ways in which entrepreneurs manage risk

One of the major things an entrepreneur has to deal with on a regular basis is risk. There are some ways in which you can manage the risks and minimise them.
apps every entrepreneur needs to download

8 apps every entrepreneur needs to download

To make your task slightly easier, we have come up with a list of 8 apps which will help you in different areas by taking some workload off you.

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3 attributes required to be a successful entrepreneur

By building up certain entrepreneurial abilities, you can guarantee that your future ventures will be successful.

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10 things every entrepreneur needs to learn very early

There are certain things an entrepreneur needs to learn early to avoid making basic mistakes early on.
Renuka Aradhya

He begged on the streets once. Today, this entrepreneur has a turnover of 30...

His company today has a turnover of Rs 30 crore and employs 150 people. This by no means is the finishing line even though 50-year-old Renuka Aradhya started life’s race with a major handicap.

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Life of an entrepreneur in 90 seconds – best motivational video for entrepreneurs

Sometimes it's what most don't see that makes a successful entrepreneur but in the end, your success will speak for itself.
free online tools every entrepreneur needs c

5 Cheap tools for startups on a shoestring budget

Five essential tools that will help you stay ahead of the curve while still maintaining your budget.

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From a delivery boy to an entrepreneur, following his passion relentlessly

In April 2015, Monkvyasa had 15 astrologers on its platform and began with close to 22 consultations in a month. Today, it has 25 astrologers on board and provides over 22 consultations in a day.

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Don’t kill your dream of becoming an entrepreneur. Life is short. Get Set. Startup

It’s always a great feeling when your work is also what you love to do. A job may or may not provide that option. Entrepreneurship does.