Tag: entrepreneur
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Let Go, Keep it Simple, Move Quickly: Secrets to being a Productive Entrepreneur
Time is money, especially if you are launching a business. Let go of old habits and focus on becoming more efficient.
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Entrepreneurs: Fight procrastination and do the stuff right now
For some of us, procrastination isn't an occasional kind of thing. It locks us in a vise grip and comes to define the way we approach everything.
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11 Things to consider before turning entrepreneur
There no better and enticing idea than one that hints at the possibility of being your own boss! Entrepreneurship is a mindset and requires quite a bit of clarity before being embraced.
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7 Startup culture characteristics that make them so desirable
These are 7 reasons why startup companies are becoming popular and preferred places to work at.
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Five keys that every investor looks for in a start-up
Here are a handful of the things that most investors look for in promising startups. Which do you find most valuable, and which do you believe are irrelevant?
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10 Things entrepreneurs must avoid while starting their ventures in India
With the launch of ‘Start Up India, Stand Up India’ initiative this weekend, many would-be entrepreneurs who were earlier waiting in the wings will be more willing to take the entrepreneurial leap and start their own ventures.
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22 Secrets to discovering your dream and living it
One of the most important rules of happiness in life is to do what you love. But discovering that dream job and what you are meant to do in life isn’t always so easy.
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5 Lessons entrepreneurs can learn from football coaches
If you want to make yourself a better entrepreneur, look how some of football’s greatest coaches have led their teams to victory, and apply those lessons to your own startup.