Jacques Poujade Shares: 5 Tips For Those Entering The Real Estate Industry

Real Estate Industry

The real estate industry can be a pretty difficult one to enter starting out. That is why it is always important to seek out as much as advice from industry professional when first starting out. Jacques Poujade works directly with a lot of people in the real estate industry as a managing partner of LendPlus. He recently provided us with his four favorite tips for those trying to enter the real estate industry.

Seek Out a Mentor

Every single person needs a mentor, and the real estate industry is no exception. There are so many intricacies people are not aware of when they are first starting out. Those who do not have a proper mentor will struggle from the very beginning, and that will prevent them from trying to really reach their full potential.

The industry is very difficult at first, and some people might not see success at all in the beginning. Without someone to encourage and keep things going, a person can really feel like a failure. After putting in so many years getting ready for real estate, the last thing a person wants to deal with is a lot of rejection in the beginning with no one to turn to. A mentor can help a person avoid mistakes, point a person in the right direction and get someone right back on track in the event of a mistake.

Stay Up to Date on All Industry News and Market Updates

There are always going to be trends when it comes to the real estate market, and keeping up on those will make a big difference. Someone trying to sell a house a decade ago using those tactics today would not really get anywhere in the real estate industry. Things are always changing, and a knowledgeable person will be able to keep up.

Many articles online have already highlighted some of the industry trends in 2019. This time of year is a great time to start reading about those things to prepare for the busier months coming up. There are definitely some trends that people need to look out for in 2019 as the market changes.

Leverage Your Social Network

Social networks aren’t always just about sharing pictures with friends and family. The fact is, everyone needs a roof over their head, and that means everyone could be a potential client at one point. People should always promote on their social network, but not to the point that it is annoying. Then, there is always a chance that it could backfire and become a negative overall.

Referrals are big in the real estate world, so always be prepared and willing to share information with people on the spot. There’s always that chance you will get a random message from someone you have not spoken to in a while looking for their dream home.

Incentivize Referrals

Networking is huge in real estate, and every person you reach out to could possibly open up a door to another client. That is why just about everyone in the industry incentivizes referrals in some way. A person is much more likely to share information if they are incentivized in some way to do so. They will definitely feel like they are getting something out of the deal, and that always feels good.

Another reason why incentives work is that people will always remember how they were able to make or save a little bit of money. When it comes time again to do the shopping, they are more likely to be repeat customers if the service was up to par. The incentive is a creative way to get a foot in the door.

For more tips from Jacques Poujade on the real estate industry and finance industry, follow him on Twitter, Facebook, and Medium. You can visit his website at JacquesPoujade.com. He is more than willing to answer any and all questions thrown his way.