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move your restaurant from good to great

Small Business Guide: How To Create A Restaurant Business Plan

The upcoming decade spells a lot of opportunities for businesses to revive themselves as the world returns to stability. This optimism also applies to...
lessons from successful entrepreneurs

8 Things entrepreneurial people do differently

There are aspects of the entrepreneurial mindset that will enrich your work and life. Here are 8 things entrepreneurial people do differently.
business plan

Five critical questions your business plan should answer

Ask not what you can do for your business plan. Ask instead what your business plan can do for you.
business plan for startup

How to write a business plan for your new startup

Here are the four basic steps you need to take to write a comprehensive and useful business plan.
How to Help Your Small Business Plan for Office Emergencies c

How to help your small business plan for office emergencies

Most people don’t like to think about the possibility of serious emergencies occurring in the workplace.
business investment

7 Expert tips for finding safe sources for business investment

If your business is already started, but you need investment money to take it to the next level, you also have a challenge.
tips to launch your startup

Check all the vital tips to launch your startup

If you are going to start a new business, then there are lots of things that you should always keep in mind.

5 Important questions to ask yourself before pursuing any business idea

Starting a new business is exciting, but it is also extremely crucial for you to do your research thoroughly before embarking on such a journey.

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All you ever wanted to know about a business plan

A business plan is necessary even for a small organisation.

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Startup Success: Pitch Your Business Idea Like a Pro

Everyone has ideas; it is the implementation which makes the difference. So when working upon making an idea a reality apart from working on the basic business plan, you need to pitch your idea to an investor.

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How to write a Business Plan: A step-by-step template

Writing a business plan doesn't have to be an intimidating task, but it does require foresight, honesty, and plenty of research. Here is an outline and some smart tips to help get you started.

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Key checklist that Askme considers before investing in any startup

Piyush Pankaj, VP Corporate Finance and M&A at Askme Group, speaks about what are the key checklist that the company considers before investing in a company.

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10 Great ways to generate business ideas

You know it's time to venture out on your own, but what to do? Find the business of your dreams with these ideas.

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Five keys that every investor looks for in a start-up

Here are a handful of the things that most investors look for in promising startups. Which do you find most valuable, and which do you believe are irrelevant?

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10 Things entrepreneurs must avoid while starting their ventures in India

With the launch of ‘Start Up India, Stand Up India’ initiative this weekend, many would-be entrepreneurs who were earlier waiting in the wings will be more willing to take the entrepreneurial leap and start their own ventures.