Staying Ahead of Security Risks: Putting Your Software Supply Chain on Autopilot

As the world of software grows and evolves, so do the security risks associated with it. To stay ahead of these threats, organizations must be proactive in managing software supply chain security. One of the most effective ways to do this is by automating your software supply chain security processes.

Automation can reduce risk by quickly identifying, tracking, and addressing potential vulnerabilities as they arise. In this article, we will discuss how you can put your software supply chain on autopilot and reap the benefits that come along with it.

Keep reading to learn more!

Types of Software Supply Chain Attacks

Software supply chain attacks involve malicious actors compromising or attacking any aspect of the software development process. This can include stealing and exploiting data, damaging software or hardware, and bypassing security controls. Understanding these four primary types of software supply chain attacks is critical for developing an effective defense strategy:


Tampering involves an attacker making unauthorized modifications to code. A few examples include:

  • altering the behavior of a system by adding malicious code
  • manipulating data
  • changing configurations

This type of attack can have serious implications, such as allowing an attacker access to sensitive information or causing systems to malfunction. Make sure that any changes to code are properly validated before they are deployed. Learn more about supply chain visibility.


This is when attackers inject their own malicious code into legitimate software packages and re-distribute them through legitimate channels. It allows attackers to spread their malicious code without detection into a victim’s network. From there, attackers can easily infiltrate systems with malware or backdoors, compromising user data or even controlling the underlying structure.


A man-in-the-middle attack occurs when an attacker takes control of communications between two parties. By doing so, they can read all messages sent between either party without them knowing about it.

Supply Chain Compromise

Supply chain compromise occurs when attackers have full access to the source code repository where all the digital assets used in the development of a product are stored. By gaining access to this repository, attackers can view all source files as well as make modifications that allow them to gain control over systems and steal sensitive data from an organization’s network infrastructure.

Benefits of Automating Your Software Supply Chain Security Processes

The key to staying ahead of software supply chain attacks is automation. Automating your software supply chain security process can reduce risk and allow you to identify, track, and address potential vulnerabilities as quickly as possible.

Here are some of the benefits that come with automating your software supply chain security:

Improved Visibility 

Automation is revolutionizing the software supply chain, providing real-time insights to quickly detect and address vulnerability threats. This dramatically accelerates response time for any required solutions, keeping businesses protected from attacks.

Reduced Costs

By leveraging automation, you can drastically reduce the labor costs associated with manually overseeing your software supply chain security processes. With this approach, businesses are able to save time and money while also ensuring their operations remain secure.

Improved Efficiency

Through automation, organizations can quickly pinpoint vulnerabilities and monitor any alterations to their codebase. Consequently, this allows organizations to take prompt corrective steps with minimum effort, increasing the overall efficiency of operations.

How To Automate Software Supply Chain Security

Setting up automated software supply chain security is easier than you think. Here are a few steps to get started:

Step 1: Establish Clear Policies & Procedures 

The first step in setting up automated software supply chain security is establishing clear policies and procedures that define who has access to the source code repository and how changes can be made. This ensures that all code changes are properly documented and tracked, minimizing the risk of any unauthorized modifications being made.

Step 2: Monitor Software Dependencies 

Keep an eye on any external software dependencies used by your organization, as these could potentially introduce vulnerabilities or malicious code into your network infrastructure. Automation can help organizations monitor their dependencies for any potential issues, allowing them to quickly identify and address any security risks.

Step 3: Automate Vulnerability Testing

Vulnerability testing is an essential part of software supply chain security. It helps organizations detect any potential issues before they become serious problems. Automation can streamline this process by immediately scanning code for any potential vulnerabilities and alerting teams when something needs to be addressed.

Step 4: Automate Software Updates 

Software updates are another important aspect of software supply chain security. Automating the software update process can help ensure that all systems are running on the latest version of the software. Additionally, it reduces the risk of any system being compromised due to outdated or vulnerable versions.

Final Thoughts

Software supply chain attacks are a growing concern for organizations, but automation can help reduce risk and keep operations secure. By automating your software supply chain security processes, you can ensure that all potential vulnerabilities are identified, tracked, and addressed as quickly as possible. So be sure to use the steps outlined above and put your software supply chain security on autopilot today!