Commercial Tips For Major Over Flows

Tips For Major Over Flows

In the world of plumbing, the last thing you want to experience is a major overflow. In most cases, this will mean the toilets in your commercial building are failing to flush properly for various reasons. While many people assume these problems can be easily fixed, commercial overflows can be extremely problematic and damaging if not taken care of right away. Should you encounter a major overflow, here are some important tips to keep in mind.

Emergency Shutoff Valves

Whether it’s toilets or sinks overflowing, the first thing you or others in your building should do is know where the emergency shutoff valves are located. Though this may mean your entire building has no water, it will be better than the alternative, which will be severe water damage throughout your building. Should you have a pipe that has burst inside a wall, any toilets or sinks to which it supplies water will continue overflowing until the water supply is cut off.

Don’t Ignore Small Problems

When commercial overflows occur, it is very often because smaller problems have been ignored for far too long. For example, if you have noticed your building’s toilets have been slow to flush or have had minor overflows now and then, chances are a major overflow is right around the corner. Even a small problem can mean gaskets or other components of your commercial plumbing system are wearing out or have cracked, both of which can lead to overflows.

Use Proper Cleanup Equipment

Major overflows require the use of equipment that is much more sophisticated than you may realize. Since many commercial facilities have multiple toilets, drains, and sinks, even a somewhat minor overflow can become a major event in a hurry. To prevent substantial water damage and ensure the cleanup can get completed in a timely manner, locating D.O.T. code liquid vacuum trucks for sale may be a smart option to make complex cleanup jobs much easier and more efficient.

Upgrade Old Components

Finally, many commercial overflows take place due to components within a plumbing system failing due to old age. By upgrading such things as gaskets, pipes, and other components of the plumbing system, it becomes much easier to prevent situations that lead to your facility being shut down for days while cleanup takes place, which as you know will greatly impact your company’s bottom line.

By using the right equipment, paying attention to problems when they first start and keeping your plumbing system modernized, major overflows can quickly become a thing of the past. Just keep the tips listed above in mind and you should be able to overcome any future problems.