7 Things I learned from my first startup failure

People say ‘Startup is like jumping off the cliff and then building a parachute before you hit the ground’. In our case, we did jump off the cliff but didn’t bring the tools to build the parachute.

Which Goals Should a Startup Business Focus on: A Clear Guide

When starting a new business, it can be overwhelming to determine what goals to focus on. With so many potential areas to improve, it’s important to prioritize and set achievable objectives. This article will provide guidance on which goals a startup business should focus on in order to increase their chances of success. Understanding why choosing … Continue reading “Which Goals Should a Startup Business Focus on: A Clear Guide”

16 Leadership lessons from MS Dhoni for startups, entrepreneurs and managers

Dhoni’s leadership style offers invaluable lessons to managers/entrepreneurs at all levels. Here’s why.

25 potential billion dollar startups

This list represents the 25, in alphabetical order, that we think to have the best shot of reaching a billion-dollar mark.

7 Ways to improve on your startup that will lead to investment increase

There is something to be said to gaining experience through real-life problem-solving in your business ventures, but you can save time by not learning lessons the hard way and fast-track your path to business success.

9 big Indian startups that shut shop in 2016

While 2015 saw launch of three to four startups a day, the second quarter of 2016 witnessed a lot of layoffs and shutdowns.

The 7 real reasons why startups fail

The market research firm CB Insights recently did a post-mortem on 135 failed startups. The reasons cited, however, fall into seven categories, each consisting of a specific emotional or intellectual limitation.

6 ways to bounce back after experiencing a failure

In case of a failure, instead of being depressed, one should try and work harder to make things better again