6 Ways to manage small business success

Coping with small business success can be difficult and very stressful and requires various qualities and a structured format.

You might have started a venture as a part-time thing because you thought your idea has potential, however, it has gained massive popularity and the success might be unnerving.

These situations are common for entrepreneurs who hadn’t planned very far ahead. However, coping with small business success can be difficult and very stressful and requires various qualities and a structured format.

To cope with your success, follow the points listed below:

1. Make required changes in your business plan

It doesn’t matter if your business is small or big, a business plan is a basic requirement. A good business plan has the marketing plan, industry details, executive summary, risk and contingencies listed and they need to be revised from time to time. If you have achieved a certain target, it is time to open the original plan and document the development and add new targets for the coming time period.

2. Don’t be a slave to technology

In modern times, where everything is ruled by technology, don’t let yourself fall prey to smart phones and laptops so much so that you lose connect with the real world. Currently, there’s an app for everything, it is still important for you to maintain the quality of relations you did with your employees, VCs and customers. You might be big today, but, once you start ignoring people, you might start digging a ditch for yourself.

Related Post: 8 qualities every entrepreneur requires to be successful

3. One man show is overrated

Being a one man show might seem appealing but after a point, it can be very taxing. Hence, you should build a team of dedicated and talented individuals and work towards a common goal. Also, you should have confidantes and mentors who are there to guide you through every walk of life. This will help you cope with the success better as your process of decision among will become more structured and easier.

4. Build alliances

It is very essential for growing small companies to build relationships with other companies. This can be in form of partnerships, mergers or acquisitions. Acquisitions are mainly done to kill competition in a certain market.
For instance, if I am soft toy maker, it will benefit me to have a strategic partnership with a cotton vendor or take over another soft toy making firm to gain monopoly in the market.

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5. More rounds of investment

The initial investment made might not be enough to sustain a growing and successful company anymore. As you revel in the successes of your venture, you also need to keep in mind that you have to cope with the growing expenses of the same business. To manage the finances, more investments might be necessary to sustain. Hence, more VCs need to be pitched to and more profits need to be pumped back into the business to keep it running.

6. Don’t be afraid of failure

You’ve done beautifully well with your venture and there is nothing to be afraid or ashamed of. Failures are not hindrances; instead, they’re valuable lessons which stay with you all your life which is exactly why you shouldn’t be afraid to face them. Also, make your own mistakes as you’re bound to learn from them and the training and experience gained hands-on is the best kind of teaching.

Just like you’ve managed fine with till now, you can succeed further by only following these basic rules in your career.

Image credit: inc.com

3 Growth hacking strategies that’ll boost your venture in no time

If growth hacking technologies are applied correctly, they can do wonders for your business.

Growth hacking strategies are out of the box marketing experiments that’ll boost and transform your venture in no time. It is usually combines unconventional marketing strategies that leads to greater traffic generation online, more customers and conversion of leads into sales. This increases your start-up’s market value and ushers in revenue.
Following a set framework and strategy can benefit you. Taking help of expert advisors from Entrepreneurs Hub will definitely help. Here are a few hacking techniques you could use to boost your venture:

1. Attract your target audience

The three strategies that are bound to attract your potential customers are:

i) Content creation:

Content marketing is a hugely successful inbound marketing technique which has proved to garner customers online. Through informative and interesting content, you could target your audience. Using social media, you could also make them aware about new offerings and help solve issues regarding your venture. Content marketing is great because through great content, you can reach a huge yet targeted group in no time.

ii) Captivating visuals and infographics

Captivating and well made videos and inforgraphics along with well-tailored content is bound to boost traffic on your website or social media page. However, it is very easy to go wrong while using this method. So, some rules you need to keep in mind are:
– Post relevant videos or visuals.
– Back your infographics with data
– Keep them short and simple
– Make them interesting
– Keep posting visuals at regular intervals

iii) Built in sharing

Keep sharing your content; you can’t post and hope that your customers find your content. You need to have a built in sharing provision and share good content on all social media platforms for maximum reach.
You could also have guest posts and social media influencers sharing your content for more reach.

These methods are bound to make the customers aware about you venture and once they know of it, they will be hooked if you can follow the steps effectively.

Related Post: 6 Inbound marketing strategies every startup could adopt

2. Build engagement with your target audience

You need to accept the fact that customers won’t buy stuff immediately after knowing or reading about something. Hence, it is important to engage them. E-mail is still an effective way to reach out to customers. You can send the target group e-mails about offers, discounts, what’s new and good deals. This will force them to visit your site and they will learn more. However, make sure you don’t bombard their inbox with e-mails because that is plain annoying and they might get frustrated.

Sending messages via SMS or WhatsApp is also a good technique to keep customers posted about what is happening.

All websites follow this insanely effective trick. Amazon.in sends you sale details, Nykaa.com sends you promo codes via e-mail and FoodPanda uses SMSes to make you aware about new offers.

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3. Acquire customers and maintain them.

Most entrepreneurs make a crucial mistake of acquiring a huge customer base and then ignoring them. This leads to a customer feeling neglected and might turn out to be the reason why s/he switches from your brand to a different one.

Build CRM automation to keep them loyal. For instance, if they are dormant, poke them with new offers and discounts or if they’ve used your product, try and seek a review.

If growth hacking technologies are applied correctly, they can do wonders for your business.

Image Credit: steamfeed.com

Things to do to grow your business

Here are some great tips on how to make your business flourish to greater heights.

If you want to know if you are making it, growth must be visual especially in business. It can be quite disappointing to invest so much into your business, yet you remain stagnant in the same place. You probably have tried every recipe there is to expanding your business, but nothing seems to work. Well, here are great tips on how to make your business flourish to greater heights.

Things to do

  1. Focus and Passionate on the Price

It’s important to stay focused on your many goals, as an entrepreneur. Passion is the driving force of growth. If you are passionate about your business, you will do what every it takes to see your business grow. At the very start of a business, most of us are energetic and focused on the price. However, as years passby the self-drive that once existed fades into the shadows. This is the very reason why many begin with an impact but never maintain the momentum. Focus, this five-letter word is what sets the business tycoons from the rest of you jokers. Growth is the fruit of focus. You will never deviate from your target if you just stay focused.

  1. Specialize in what you do

What is your product or service? Instead of having a variety of services, be smart and concentrate on one thing. A good example of a company that has specialized in its products is Coca-Cola Company. You don’t need no introduction to this renowned company. The brand speaks for itself. If you go anywhere in the world,you are prone to enjoy a glass of ice cold Coca-Cola. This company has focused on its primary products and are doing whatever it takes to market it and make their product the best there is in the market.

  1. Branding

Branding is everything! The likes of Adidas, McDonalds are making a kill because they understood the importance of branding when it comes to making your business grow. Having commercials and advertisements on any media platform of your choice can make your business elevate. The idea is putting your name on the lips of every citizen you know. Branding can make you seem crème deli crème even when you not.  Try branding your product today and see the magic!

  1. Know your audience

Before venturing into business, it is crucial to know who exactly is your target market. Knowing your business avatar will help your business grow. You will center your services on the characteristics of your business audience. In short doing things that attract your market group will help your business grow.

Many folks who have applied these tips to their businesses stand as living proof of that they actually work.Hope these tips will work for you.

Image Credit: razreye.com

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