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Top 7 Time Tracking Tips

Time Tracking Tips

Limit the Number of Distractions

Certain things don’t really add any value to our lives, but we still often spend a lot of time on them. For instance, constantly checking your email is definitely burning daylight. You can set some days in the week for looking over your emails.

Watching YouTube videos is another huge time waster. Just find a way to block such distractions albeit temporarily so that you are better able to concentrate on the things that really add value to your life and work.

Focus on Your Most Essential Goals

Productivity experts recommend focusing on your most important goals to stay concentrated on the task that you are working on, and, as a result, you will be far more likely to achieve your desired goals.

You already have a to-do list, right? Identify the tasks that are mandatory at the moment and leave those that you can do at a later date. You can even evaluate the time when each task has to be completed.

Time tracking software can be a valuable tool for helping you achieve this. It will let you know the exact amount of time each task is expected to take. We sometimes spend too much time working on a project that should ideally have taken just a couple of hours to complete. After determining how much time each task should ideally take, you will be able to properly plan your day.

Large Tasks Should be Broken Down into Small and Manageable Task

Working on a massive project can easily result in procrastination. Never allow procrastination to hold your legs. Break large tasks down into smaller tasks and work on each one before taking on another. That way, you will not find the work overwhelming.

Evaluate the Time Needed for Each Project

See more about how a time tracker can help you to evaluate your time. Once you have prepared the to-do list, you need to specify the amount of time you will require to complete each task. That way, it will be easier to determine which task to handle first and which one can wait for another day.

A good rule of thumb is prioritizing large projects. Keep in mind, you can only claim to have achieved perfect work-life balance if you get in and out of the office at the right time. If you track time, you can also tell whether you are wasting time or spending it productively.

Schedule Time for Yourself

You usually schedule tasks so that you know which order to follow when tackling the tasks in your to-do list. It is also important to schedule time for yourself in that way.

For instance, it could be the time you spend with your family and friends. Let’s assume that you finish working on your tasks at 3 p.m. Why not make it a habit to meet friends at 4 p.m. and then spend time with the family from there onward.

Get Rid of Time-Consuming Tasks from Your To-Do List

In your to-do list, there are probably tasks that are not necessarily important but consume a lot of your time. You need to identify those tasks and eliminate them. Spending time each day working on things that are not essential can ruin your productivity, so eliminate them from the to-do list.

After eliminating the non-important tasks that are consuming your time from the to-do list, identify those that are actually important and find ways to tackle them. You could either ask for help or automate some of the tasks.

Focus on What You Are Currently Doing

Staying focused on the task that you are currently doing can not only boost productivity but also help you maintain a proper work-life balance. For instance, you are working on a project that should ideally take 2 hours to finish, but it is taking much longer because of minor distractions. What you need to do is set time limits to each task that you are working on currently and try to fit in them.

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