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The Future of the Plastic Industry in Australia

Plastic Industry in Australia

Is Australia saying goodbye to plastic?

Will plastic bottle suppliers like Plas-Pak cease to operate?

Is there a definite plan for sustainability and responsible waste management for the Australian plastic industry?

This article will answer the following questions and discuss the current and future state of the Plastic Industry in Australia. It will give information regarding the following:

2022 Data on Australian Plastic Industry

The demand for plastic in Australia is still high. So much so that the industry contributed $3.8 billion to the Australian economy from 2021 to 2022. To date, the Australian plastic packaging market is valued at USD 2,538.25 million. It is expected to amount to USD 2,892,62 million by 2026. Here are some fast facts:

Product Stewardship

The Australian government is facing the problem of plastic pollution head-on. It currently has product stewardship protocols that mandate plastic manufacturers to be responsible across all endpoints for the consumption and disposal of their products. The call for product stewardship is ever felt by plastic manufacturers. Plastic manufacturers are now required to have a distinct structure as to how their goods are sourced, processed, consumed, and disposed of.

Circular Economy

Plastic will not cease to exist on the planet if plastic manufacturers will fully practice a circular economy. Having a circular economy is the only way to ensure that the Australian plastic industry remains afloat through intentional designing of regenerative and restorative practices. A circular economy will require players in the Australian plastic industry to provide a ‘closed loop’ system where goods are not used once and then discarded. This is the only way to remain green and sustainable. Plastic will remain in use if players in the industry will understand and duly participate in a circular economy. Single-use plastics should no longer be produced if the plastic industry wants to remain legitimate and relevant.

Plastic Pollution Treaties

Australians understand the essence and importance of sustainable development. This is why it is no shock that 9 out of 10 Australians are for the creation of a global plastic pollution treaty that will effectively put an end to plastic pollution. Treaties are now being produced to answer the call of 77% of Australians that are in favor of banning single-use plastics as soon as possible.

Plastic Packaging by 2025

The future of plastic packaging is bright. This will only ever be possible if players in the industry will duly comply with the requirements of the Australian government when it comes to active product stewardship and the faithful practice of a circular economy. It is far for plastic – of all kinds – to be out of the picture. But what is certain is that by 2025, little to almost no single-use plastic will be produced. This is something that all major players in the Australian plastic industry and the world have agreed upon. Coca-Cola is even on its way to achieving 99% of its target of having a fully regenerative and restorative packaging design by 2025.

Polymer in Circularity

Polymer designs can now be greatly improved in line with circularity practices. Studies have shown that the addition of keto groups to polyethylene is effective for easy degradation without the removal of important properties. Through the development of this concept, we can be sure that we can keep on using plastic in the future as plastics in the future will easily degrade and virtually cause no harm to the environment. This will make plastic recycling totally unproblematic.

Recirculation Plastics

In line with innovations like that of adding keto groups in polymer goods, recirculation plastics will also be big in the future. Recirculation is an innovation that allows all kinds of products – including plastics – to be sustainable through the use of bio-based products. Recirculation is changing the game. So much so that reduce, reuse, and recycle are getting an additional R – a fourth R – recirculation. Recirculation is the answer and antidote to the prevalence of single-use plastics. With recirculation, no plastic will ever be used only once. All plastics will be reused in a way that is meaningful and useful after initial use. This is one of the main innovations that will make plastic production sustainable.


To answer the question we initially asked:

Is Australia saying goodbye to plastic?

No, Australia is not saying goodbye to plastic. But in time, it aims to fully eradicate single-use plastic.

Will plastic bottle suppliers cease to operate?

No, plastic bottle suppliers will still be around. However, they will need to level up their game when it comes to product stewardship and the active application of circular economy concepts.

Is there a definite plan for sustainability and responsible waste management for the Australian plastic industry?

Yes, Australians together with the Australian government are eager to help in ending plastic pollution. Laws are already in place and treaties are set to be signed. The future is bright for everyone.

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