The never ending war between YouTube and TikTok and hashtags asking users to ban TikTok, especially in India, has an abysmal impact for which ratings were dropped to 3 from 4.7, and then it suddenly plunged to 1.2, its lowest rating ever. But tech giant Google brings off the bummer and becomes a saviour of TikTok.
Since the last few days, an argy-bargy over TikTok ban and privacy has been witnessed by all the social media platforms. The never ending war between YouTube and TikTok and hashtags asking users to ban TikTok, especially in India, has an abysmal impact for which ratings were dropped to 3 from 4.7, and then it suddenly plunged to 1.2, its lowest rating ever.
But tech giant Google brings off the bummer and becomes a saviour of TikTok. According to the latest media reports, Google has deleted 5 million negative reviews for TikTok from the Play Store after the catastrophes.
Presently, Google Play Store has 22 million reviews for TikTok that means it has removed more than 5 million reviews which ultimately improved its ratings, now it is 1.6 and is progressively increasing.
Debacle began a few days back when a popular Youtuber CarryMinati, whose real name is Ajay Negar, created a video in YouTube vs TikTok where he was seen criticising popular TikToker Amir Siddiqui, who had once claimed that he would be honoured to get criticised by CarryMinati.
The video has gone viral and become an extracting point for memers. Although, the video was removed from the platform on the basis of content violation but, again, Ajay Negar has come up with another video asking his followers to stop misusing the video for their benefit. Ajay became emotional while talking about the video and delivering the message at the same time.
Another debacle came when one of the videos of Faizal Siddiqui, TikTok influencer, came into a light where he was allegedly promoting an acid attack on women by recreating a disturbing scene.
It seems like the war between the YouTube and TikTok doesn’t come to an end, but Google is somewhat guarding TikTok from its utter failure.
TikTok Lite has been exposed even more with the rating dropping to 1.1 on the play store. Even, the ByteDance-owned platform is also criticised rigorously for its weak content moderation policies that allows sharing of harmful and abusive videos. many of the TikTok influencers have Initiated an outrage for social media users for promoting problematic contents.
Success & popularity that comes easily, always comes with equal responsibility. TikTok also got fame in the Indian market and now is facing a fall too. With 4.6 stars to 2 TikTok has been facing storm lately.
What happened?
A current in the seabed triggers a storm in the sea; similarly, an Indian’s act triggered this TikTok storm. An Indian YouTuber Carry Minati’s video titled ‘YouTube vs TikTok: The End’ called out the creators of TikTok for plagiarising content from YouTube amongst other things. Eventually, YouTube was forced to take off the video as a war erupted between YouTube fans and TikTok fans.
Apart from this incident that polarized the social media, even the ratings of TikTok has been severely affected on the app store. In less than a week, the ratings have come down to 2 from 4.6 with several Indians calling for a ban with trending #TikTokBan and #TikTokExposed on social media.
TikTok Lite has been exposed even more with the rating dropping to 1.3 on the play store. Even, the ByteDance-owned platform is also criticised rigorously for its weak content moderation policies that allows sharing of harmful and abusive videos.
However, many of the TikTok influencers have Initiated an outrage for social media users for promoting acid attack on women, rape, misogyny and many other problematic contents. The videos that go on viral with million views for a long time multiplying the root problems.
An Appeal
Rekha Sharma, Chairman of National Commission of Women, has called for an appeal to the Indian government for a complete ban on TikTok for showcasing and promoting objectionable content which impacts youths in a negative and wrong way.
Rekha Sharma tweeted, “I am of the strong opinion that @TikTok_IN should be banned totally and will be writing to GOI. It not only has objectionable videos but is also pushing youths towards an unproductive life where they are living only for few followers.”
Spokesperson of TikTok India stated, “Keeping TikTok safe is our top priority. We have made it clear in our Term of Service and Community guidelines that clearly outlines what is not acceptable on our platform. As per our policy we do not allow content that risks others safety, promotes physical harm, glorifies violence against women. The behaviour in question violates our guidelines and we have taken down content, suspended the account and we are working with law enforcement agencies as appropriate”
Old problems recur
Basically, this isn’t TikTok’s first controversy at all. The app which crossed 2 million global downloads last month has been criticised for promoting the reckless content in pursuit of vitality.
Even in the past, TikTok has invited ban by the Indian courts which came the last of which came in April 2019. However, this app has been growing uninterruptedly as hordes of first-time internet users across different places thronged to the video creation app.
In Q1 2020, TikTok recorded the best quarter for any app with over 315 million downloads over App Store and Google Play Store according to Sensor Tower. India is TikTok’s largest market globally with over 200 million users.
Every popularity comes tagged with responsibility
Sachin Sharma, Director – Sales and partnership of TikTok India shared “The safety of the users is a key priority for us. We are committed towards maintaining a safe and positive in-app for users along with abiding by and complying with the local laws. So, we have put in place protective measures by combining content moderation technology with a robust human moderation team. In India, moderation team covers major regional languages including Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Bengali, Gujarati etc.”
A TikTok spokesperson further added “With TikTok suspending user accounts that violate community guidelines, it prevents creators from logging into their accounts, post any content or interact with other content on the platform.” We stand committed to Ooh extending power support to law enforcement agencies for any further actions.”
Disney’s head of Streaming Kevin Mayer is appointed as TikTok’s new CEO. Mayer will also serve as the COO of TikTok’s parent company ByteDance.
गूगल के इस नए फीचर का उद्देश्य कोरोना वायरस के चलते हुए लॉकडाउन से प्रभावित नागरिकों की मदद करना है। फिलहाल, यह अंग्रेजी भाषा में ही उपलब्ध है। हालांकि, इस पर काम चल रहा है, ताकि इसका इस्तेमाल हिंदी भाषा में भी किया जा सके।
देश में कोरोना के मामले लगातार बढ़ते जा रहे हैं और अब इनकी संख्या 4000 के पार चली गई है। कोरोना को देखते हुए देश में 21 दिन के लिए लॉकडाउन लागू है। इसकी वजह से गांवों, कस्बों और शहरों में लोगों की जिंदगी बाधित हुई है, लोगों की आजीविका और यातायात पर हुए असर की वजह से बहुत से मजदूर जो बेहतर जिंदगी की तलाश में शहर आए थे, वे या तो पैदल घर जाने लगे हैं या फिर उनके पास खाने को नहीं है।
नया फीचर लाया Google
ऐसे लोगों की मदद के लिए गूगल ने अपने मैप्स और सर्च के साथ गूगल असिस्टेंट में भी नया फीचर ऐड किया है। जहां आपको भारत के 30 शहरों के पब्लिक फूड शेल्टर और नाइट शेल्टर यानी रैन बसेरों का पता चल जाएगा।
गूगल मैप के इस नए फीचर का उद्देश्य COVID-19 यानी कोरोना वायरस के चलते हुए लॉकडाउन से प्रभावित नागरिकों की मदद करना है। फिलहाल, यह अंग्रेजी भाषा में ही उपलब्ध है। हालांकि, इस पर काम चल रहा है, ताकि अंग्रेजी के साथ-साथ इसका इस्तेमाल हिंदी भाषा में भी किया जा सके।
इसके लिए बस आपके फोन में गूगल मैप्स ऐप होना चाहिए, जिसपर आप अपने नजदीकी फूड शेल्टर और रैन बसेरों को सर्च कर सकते हैं। इसका लाभ आप KaiOS आधारित फीचर फोन पर भी उठा सकते हैं, जैसे कि जियो फोन। गूगल ने ट्विटर पर इसकी जानकारी दी है, कंपनी ने बताया कि इसके लिए वह MyGovIndia के साथ काम कर रही है।
Working closely with @mygovindia, we are now surfacing locations of food shelters & night shelters on Google Maps, Search and Google Assistant, to help migrant workers & affected people across cities.
इसका इस्तेमाल करना भी बेहद आसान है। जिसके लिए आपको गूगल मैप्स, गूगल सर्च या फिर गूगल असिस्टेंट पर जाकर, Food shelters in <शहर का नाम> या Night shelters in <शहर का नाम> डालकर सर्च करना है। रिजल्ट आपको तुरंत दिखाया जएगा। शुरुआती रूप में यह सुविधा अंग्रेजी भाषा में ही है, लेकिन आने वाले दिनों में जल्द ही आप इसके लिए हिंदी भाषा का भी इस्तेमाल कर सकते हैं।
कंपनी ने यह भी कहा कि वह जल्द ही एक क्विक एक्सेस शॉर्टकट शामिल करेगी। जो कि सर्च बार या पिन के नीचे दिया होगा जिससे लोगों को Maps पर फूड और नाइट शेल्टर की जगह का पता लगाने में आसानी होगी।
जरूरतमंद लोगों के पास नहीं हैं स्मार्टफोन्स, फिर कैसे..?
यह पहल इस बात को सुनिश्चित करने के लिए है कि सभी लोगों की खाने और शेल्टर की पहुंच रहे। क्योंकि बहुत से जरूरतमंद लोगों के पास स्मार्टफोन्स या मोबाइल का एक्सेस नहीं हो सकता है। इसके अलावा, जिन लोगों को फूड शेल्टर या फिर रैन बसेरों की जरूरत पड़ती है, उनमें से ज्यादातर लोगों स्मार्टफोन यूज़र्स नहीं होते हैं, गूगल ने इस बात का भी ध्यान रखा और यह पुख्ता किया कि यह सुविधा हर जरूरतमंद तक पहुंचे, इसके लिए गूगल ने इस सुविधा को जियो फोन जैसे फीचर फोन के लिए भी ज़ारी किया है। मालूम हो कि, जियो फोन में गूगल असिस्टेंट एक्सेस उपलब्ध होता है।
गूगल इंडिया के सीनियर प्रोग्राम मैनेजर अनल घोष का कहना है कि जरूरतमंदों तक इस सुविधा की जानकारी पहुंचाने के लिए एनजीओ, ट्रैफिक अथॉरिटी, वॉलेनटियर्स का सहारा लिया जा रहा है, ताकि यह जरूरी सुविधा हर जरूरतमंद तक पहुंचे जिसके पास स्मार्टफोन एक्सेस न हो। गूगल इसमें न केवल ज्यादा भाषाओं को शामिल करने पर काम कर रही है बल्कि आने वाले दिनों में इसमें और शहरों के शेल्टर्स को जोड़ा जाएगा।
कंपनी ने कोरोना से संबंधित कई कदम लिए
कोरोना वायरस की महामारी के दौरान गूगल ने अपने स्तर पर कई ऐसे कदम लिए हैं जिससे इस बात को सुनिश्चित किया जा सके कि लोग बीमारी के बारे में जागरूक हैं और उनके पास अपने स्तर पर इसके खिलाफ लड़ने के लिए जरूरी जानकारी है।
टेक कंपनी ने अलग से वेबसाइट बनाई है जिसमें केवल विश्वसनीय जानकारी है जो विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन (WHO) और दुनिया भर की स्थानीय स्वास्थ्य अथॉरिटी से ली गई है, जिससे लोगों को बीमारियों के बारे में कोई गलत जानकारी न मिले।
From Google to Microsoft, Cognizant to NetApp – Indians run some of the world’s biggest and best companies.
Indians have played a key role in the success of technology powerhouses globally. From Google to Microsoft, Cognizant to NetApp – Indians run some of the world’s biggest and best companies. Recently photocopying major Xerox named Infosys veteran and former iGate CEO Ashok Vemuri as CEO of its back-office outsourcing company. Vemuri’s elevation is another milestone for Indian-origin CEOs, of whom at least half a dozen are in Fortune 500 companies.
Here’s a look at 10 India-born CEOs of global technology giants.
Sundar Pichai, Google
India-born Sundar Pichai was named as Google CEO on August 10, 2015.
The 44-year-old head of Google was born in Chennai, Tamil Nadu and pursued education at IIT Kharagpur (B Tech), Stanford (MS) and Wharton (MBA); at Wharton, he was named a Siebel Scholar and Palmer Scholar.
He is responsible for the launch of the dominant Chrome web browser, and was previously the product head for Android, Chrome, Maps, and other popular Google products.
Satya Nadella, Microsoft
After a 22-year stint with Microsoft, Nadella was appointed as the chief executive officer of the company in February 2014.
He previously held the position of executive vice president of Microsoft’s Cloud and Enterprise group.
The Hyderabad-born 47-year-old has a BE from Manipal Institute of Technology, MS from University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee, and MBA from University of Chicago Booth School of Business.
Rajeev Suri joined Nokia in 1995 and held various positions before being appointed as president and CEO in April 2014.
Suri’s ascedancy to Nokia CEO’s position came after Microsoft acquired Nokia’s mobile phone business. Previously, he was the head of the company’s India services division.
Like Satya Nadella, the Bhopal-born Suri also holds a B-Tech from Manipal Institute of Technology, but holds no post graduate degrees.
Shantanu Narayen, Adobe
Born in Hyderabad, Shantanu Narayen joined Adobe in 1998 as the senior vice president of worldwide product research and became the COO in 2005 and CEO in 2007.
He holds a Bachelor in Science from Osmania University, an MBA from University of California, Berkley, and an MS from Bowling Green State University.
Narayen held product development roles at Apple and Silicon Graphics before co-founding photo-sharing startup Pictra. A chance encounter between Adobe and Pictra led to Narayen joining Adobe, where rose swiftly through the product ranks.
He was named among the world’s best CEOs by Barron’s MAgazine in 2016.
Sanjay Jha, Global Foundries
Sanjay Jha took over as CEO of Global Foundries, a semiconductor foundry that produces chips for giants like AMD, Broadcom, Qualcomm, and STMicroelectronics, in January 2014; before that he has served as the CEO of Motorola Mobility and COO of Qualcomm.
He joined Motorola as co-CEO in 2008, while serving simultaneously as CEO of Motorola’s Mobile Devices Business.
Prior to Motorola, Sanjay held multiple senior engineering and executive positions during his 14 years with Qualcomm, ultimately serving as Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Qualcomm Inc. from 2006 to 2008.
Jha was born in Bhagalpur, Bihar and holds a BS from University of Liverpool and PhD from University of Strathclyde.
Sanjay Mehrotra co-founded flash memory storage company SanDisk in 1988 and has been its CEO since January 2011.
He pursued bachelors and masters degrees at University of California, Berkley, and also went to Stanford for executive programme. Mehrotra holds several patents to his name.
George Kurian, NetApp
George Kurian became the CEO and president of storage and data management company NetApp in June 2015, after serving as its executive vice president of product operations for nearly two years. Prior to joining NetApp, George was vice president and general manager of the Application Networking and Switching Technology Group at Cisco Systems.
His diverse background also includes the role of vice president at Akamai Technologies, management consulting at McKinsey & Company, and leading Software Engineering and Product Management teams at Oracle Corporation.
Born in Kottayam district, Kerala, he pursued engineering at IIT-Madras, but left six months later to join Princeton University; he also holds an MBA degree from Stanford.
Francisco D’Souza, Cognizant
Among the youngest CEOs in the software services sector, D’Souza is Cognizant’s CEO and a member of the company’s board of directors.
D’Souza joined Cognizant as a co-founder in 1994 and went on to become its CEO in the year 2007. During his tenure as CEO, Cognizant’s employee base has grown from 55,000 to over 230,000.
The son of an Indian diplomat, D’Souza was born in Kenya. He holds a BBA from University of East Asia, Macau and an MBA from Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh; D’Souza also serves on the board of General Electric as an independent director.
Dinesh Paliwal is the president and CEO of Harman International, a premium audio gear brand that owns the likes of JBL, Becker, dbx, among others.
Born in Agra, Uttar Pradesh, Paliwal holds a BE from IIT Roorkee, and MS and MBA from Miami University.
Prior to joining Harman, he spent 22 years with ABB Group, where he last held the dual role of President of ABB Group with responsibility for the company’s global P&L, and Chairman/CEO – ABB North America.
He serves on the board of Bristol-Myers Squibb, and previously served as the economic advisor to the governor of China’s Guangdong province for three years.
Ashok Vemuri, Xerox Business Services LLC
Xerox, the 110-year-old document technology company that over the years has come to symbolize everything associated with photocopying, named former iGate CEO Ashok Vemuri as the new CEO of its back-office outsourcing company.
Earlier this year, Xerox said that it would split into two separate companies — one would focus on document technology, which would include Xerox’s traditional printer and copier businesses, while the second company would focus on back-office outsourcing, payment processing and other technology-related services.
A former Infosys veteran, Vemuri became CEO of Xerox’s business process outsourcing company after the separation of the company’s two entities.