5 tips to get your first few thousand followers on Instagram

If you follow some basic rules, you can get a few thousand initial followers.

With growing digitalisation, the social media game is also growing at a break-neck speed which makes Instagram one of the most popular and sought-after platforms to explore and post on. However, getting followers on Instagram isn’t as easy as it seems but if you follow some basic rules, you can get a few thousand initial followers:

Consistency is the key

Post the images with a consistent theme because if you tend to post something psychedelic today and follow it up with a vintage movie poster, your followers will deem you as bipolar and useless and this can result in them un-following you. The consistency of your posts will keep your followers engaged.

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Using Interactive Techniques to Attract Followers

If your Instagram account does not have many followers, one of the best ways to attract more audience and grow your page is to use interactive techniques. For example, following people, leaving likes and comments for their posts, or even like or comment on their posts under a specific hashtag, etc. This way, you will arouse people’s curiosity about your page and draw their attention to your page.

In return, these people visit your account out of curiosity and may do the same for you, that leads to an increase in the number of visits to your Instagram account. Many of these people will also get interested in your content and follow you.

To attract followers through interactive techniques, you need to find accounts that create and publish content that is close to or related to your field and interact with these pages by following, commenting, etc.

Obviously, if you were to go through this process manually, it would be almost impossible. This is when you feel the need for an automated tool to automate the entire process.

There are software or bots that can automatically perform interactive activities on Instagram without human handling. Such software will automatically follow your target pages, like their posts or leave comments to draw their attention to your Instagram account and persuade these people to visit your page and follow you of their own accord. One approved software to increase followers in Instagram is the v-User Instagram Follower Booster Bot, which includes various bots with amazing features. You can google this tool to get more information about it.

Use thoughtful hashtags

Instagram’s new algorithm, picks up the most popular and used hastags. So, you must aspire you enhance your picture with the best thought-of and the most attractive ones. You are allowed a maximum of 30 hashtags, so, make sure that the first ones completely relevant to the picture and follow it up with the common yet popular ones like #instafollow and #instaphoto for more recognition.

Use the geotag feature

The geotag option on the Instagram widget lets you tag location of your picture. This is useful as your followers can relate to the picture better and if people aren’t your followers but in the same location as your picture, they are able to locate the image and might start following you.

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Post interesting content

Nobody wants to follow accounts which aren’t aesthetically pleasing or uninteresting. If you post interesting content which is relatable, more people will follow your page and stay engaged for more posts. Use an Instagram tracker to check the Instagram activity log of people and see what they like, accordingly you can plan your posts. Also, you try keep trying to upgrade the interesting factor of your posts with each new post.

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