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Setting up your business website: The essentials

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Setting up your business website can feel daunting – there’s a lot that needs to be done, and it can be confusing figuring out where to start and what you need to make sure it’s complete and accessible for your customers. Only setting up website is not enough, you also need Fully Managed WordPress Hosting to get the desired results. If you’re looking for some guidance, read on to find out the essentials you need to know to be able to create your website.

Setting Up

If you’re looking for somewhere to start, knowing what’s involved with setting up a website before you get into the design and creation of it is essential. You need to make sure you choose a domain name that fits your business and registers it. You’ll also need to find a web hosting provider, and select a website builder too if you’re a little new. It’s much easier to use a website builder if you’re unfamiliar with websites and setting one up, as it makes it easy for you to choose the look and layout without worrying about functionality. If you’re looking for a bit of inspiration, check out these 6 websites every aspiring entrepreneur should bookmark.

Think About the Look

If your website is a mess, there’s no chance you’ll be able to draw in any customers or profit, and your business will slowly break down – in fact, Adobe found that 38% of consumers will stop engaging altogether if they find the content unattractive in its layout or imagery – numbers you can’t afford to lose. It’s also important to remember your website isn’t just about how it looks – think about the function and the services you need to provide. You need a homepage, a way for customers to access products and services, as well as an “About Us” page, a blog and a page with contact details. These are the minimum you need – if this all seems a little overwhelming, consider hiring a designer to quicken the process and ensure you end up with a quality website quickly.

Design for the Customer

It’s easy for many people to design a website for themselves, but when designing your website, it’s important to base it off who’ll be using it. Make the website action-oriented, so that it’s easy for you to lead customers to pages you want them to interact with e.g. product pages, ways for them to sign up to a newsletter, or ways to find your social media. Set up an SMTP server for transactional emails – through this page from Sendinblue, you can interact with your customers immediately, as well as receive real-time feedback on their progress and success (e.g. how many clicks). This way, if your audience interacts with your site (e.g. signing up to a newsletter), they can get instant responses and interaction from you, and so they can feel connected and part of your business. They also allow you to personalize and design your emails to suit you, meaning you can be certain you’ll be maintaining a reliable, quality service.

With these three tips, you’ll be well on your way to setting up the perfect website for your business.

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