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How can small businesses motivate and retain their employees

small businesses motivate and retain their employees

There has to be a lot of effort put into a small business by an entrepreneur and workforce for this business to achieve success. In that respect, the workforce is the moving power of all small businesses. Therefore, it’s essential that employers give their best to retain and motivate their employees. It might seem difficult at first to handle people’s desires like this, but once you establish your policy and behavior, things can work out. Moreover, people know what to expect from a specific job and having their skills, knowledge and ideas respected is definitely going to boost their productivity. Of course, this also means a boosted work performance. So, check out the following tips when it comes to motivating your employees. Being a great boss is the first step to success, especially when it comes to small businesses.

A positive working environment

For people to feel good and motivated at their jobs you must do your best as an employer to provide a positive working environment. This means expressing proper concern for employees’ welfare. Also, employees should feel safe to speak their mind and avoid worrying about being fined, punished, ostracized and even fired because of that. The competitive spirit is healthy, but make sure that your employees don’t compete against each other, but other companies and businesses. Clearly stated working hours, team building activities and fun break room in the office are also all part of a positive working environment.

Healthy workspace and lifestyle

If you want your employees to feel motivated and productive, they also need to feel healthy and comfortable at the office. In that respect, make sure to organize an office layout and design so that it proves to be the most efficient. In general, group desks and joint offices are always more preferred compared to cubicles. The quality of air is also very important for the employees’ health. Therefore, don’t shy away from introducing plants into the work environment as well as installing air purifiers that fight allergies. Moreover, always encourage your employees to add their own personal touch to their workspace.

Improve lighting

Sleepy and tired workers will always be less productive and less satisfied at work, so it’s important to boost lighting and achieve optimal illumination conditions. Natural lighting is especially important, but make sure you also have blinds that can be used to regulate glare and reduce solar heat. Natural light should always be combined with good artificial LED light, so find a reliable company to design your lighting solutions. For instance, if you decide to enforce BUCK products in your space and design, expect proper overhead lighting for each workstation, which is especially important in warehouses and industrial rooms. Such lights are made up to code and in compliance with safety, installation, and cleanliness rules, so you’re also protecting your workers’ health and wellbeing, which is very important for employee retention.

Play with design

Playful and well-designed environment boosts creativity and productivity, so make sure to be open-minded when it comes to design. Look into the latest office design trends and stay up-to-date with improvements. A well-lit and fun space filled with ergonomic furniture and interesting features will improve mood, boost productivity and provide employees with a comfortable place to work. And don’t neglect eco-friendliness. Millennials especially care about the environment and are willing to stick with a company that invests in eco-friendly solutions and cares about social and environmental issues.

Think about worker health

Some health points were already mentioned above, but safety at work is not the only way you can show employees you care about their health. Mental health plays a huge role in productivity, motivation, satisfaction, and employee retention, so aim to create a human-centric environment that focuses on well-being and happiness. Designated break rooms, relaxation pods, and quiet zones will allow workers to recover, recharge, and nurture their mental health.

Allow your employees to express their ideas

Many skilled and highly knowledgeable people are always in demand and if you don’t offer them an opportunity to challenge themselves and achieve something great, they can leave your company for another job. Therefore, consider organizing monthly meetings where everyone can give their own idea and advice on how to improve their respective field in the company. Also, make sure to organize a positive atmosphere where anyone could approach you personally with a burning idea whenever they want. If the idea is not really plausible, don’t make fun of them but explain in detail why it should be overlooked or how it can be improved. In case you absolutely love a certain idea, make sure to give credit to the employee as well as to show complete trust by assigning them to implement the said idea.

Provide learning possibilities

Employees who love their work and want to contribute to the success of the business will definitely enjoy having various learning opportunities to do so. Some of the best companies in the world offer different kinds of classes and training in order to build employees’ skills and expertise in various fields. If you’re just starting out, you don’t have to include a ton of different classes but make sure to have some essential learning opportunities in store for anyone who’s willing to learn more. Also, you can employ someone from your workforce as a teacher if they’re particularly good at what they do. Of course, make sure to offer appropriate rewards to employees who want to teach as well as to other employees who take these courses seriously.

Employees who are treated with respect and have their own efforts and skills rewarded and recognized are a lot more likely to keep working for you and work towards the success of your business as if it was their own. Basically, people need to feel appreciated and valuable. As a boss, try to be fair, practical, and encouraging. That way, your small business, and workforce will undoubtedly see success soon enough.

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