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Bengaluru becomes the first Indian city to be in the world’s top 30 list of the startup ecosystem

Bengaluru startups

Bengaluru is India’s startup capital. According to the ‘The Global Startup Ecosystem Report 2020’ by Startup Genome, Bengaluru becomes the first Indian city listed in the world’s top 30 startup ecosystems. Bengaluru stands at 26th spot topped by the Silicon Valley in California.

Delhi is ranked at the 36th spot while in the list of top 100 emerging ecosystems, Mumbai gets the first ranking. Chennai, Hyderabad, and Pune are also included in the list of emerging startup hubs.

Startup Genome is a California headquartered innovation policy advisory and research firm. It surveyed cities around the world where early-stage startups have the best shot at building global success.

London and New York found tied for the second spot whereas Delhi gets ranked well for the complexity of patent creation and volume in the analysis. The report says, along with Paris and Singapore, Bengaluru stands out for high access, quality as well as activity of funding.

In 2012, when rankings were released, access to capital, investment, and global talent have pushed London’s ascent from number eight to number two. Founder of Startup Genome, J. F. Gauthier said, “Today’s global report ranks the best cities where startups can build global success. Startup ecosystems outperform when their entrepreneurial community is not only open to but deeply integrated within the global startup community.”

He also said, “This is certainly the case for London, as it continues to play a central role in the global fabric of startup ecosystems and is only eight years has risen from number eight to a tie in second place. The Covid-19 crisis has accelerated the transition to the digital economy and has called for entrepreneurs to innovate faster.”

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